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Extreme Florist

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Extreme Florist Description

Valerie Valentine is one of the best florists in the town and she is known for her dedication to customers and a good service. She is always getting the best flowers from her gardens around the town and delivers her flower bouquets herself. But the orders are so many and she has to deliver as many as she can in a short amount of time. Can you give her a hand? Pay attention to the order then go and collect the requested number of flowers to make the roses bouquet and then deliver it to the customer's house. But because she is so known try to hide her from the other people as they will ask for a flower and Valerie will then have to get more. Enjoy!

Extreme Florist Game Instruction

Use the keyboard to play. Use the Up, Down, Left and Right arrow keys to move Valerie around.

Rated 3.18/5 (2570 Votes)
